Workshop: “Tools for Collaborative Work”  
Tuesday, February 28th, 2017 – 6:30-8:30pm

This workshop is designed as a gentle introduction to using widely available (and FREE!) digital tools for collaborative work. We will explore how a few simple-to-use tools can be effectively wielded to manage your project, from communication, to workflow management, document storage, and collaborative editing. In practicing with these tools, we will discuss techniques for streamlining your project protocols and reducing the effort it takes to keep your work organized. If you’ve ever said to yourself: ‘I can’t find the latest version of that document!’, ‘What is Google Drive?’, ‘Where is my Dropbox?’, or ‘There has to be an easier way to schedule these meetings!’, then this workshop is for you! This workshop is designed for all levels of comfort and experience using digital tools (if you use MS Word or Gmail, then you can do this!) – no previous experience required!

This workshop will be hosted by GC Digital Fellow Ian Phillips

Register HERE

Workshop: “Conference Live Tweeting How-To”
Wednesday, March 1st, 2017 – 6:30-7:30pm

Live tweeting allows the ideas, scholarship, and greater conversations that occur at a conference to have a life outside of the conference itself. If you are running a conference this semester, or attending one, and want to learn more about how to integrate live tweeting into your conference experience, then this is the workshop for you! Learn strategies for prepping content and building a plan of action for the conference itself, and discuss various challenges, pros and cons of live tweeting with the GC Social Media Fellows. Light refreshments provided. Participants are encouraged to bring a device (computer, smart phone, tablet, etc.) that connects to the internet.

This workshop will be hosted by the Program Social Media Fellows

Register HERE

Want to know more about what the GC Digital Initiatives has to offer? Check out their weekly updates at The Digital GC.


About the Workshops and the GC Digital Fellows Program: 

Part of GC Digital Initiatives and based in the GC Digital Scholarship Lab, the GC Digital Fellows Program operates as an in-house think-and-do tank for digital projects connecting Fellows to digital initiatives throughout The Graduate Center. Digital Fellows utilize a team-based approach as they explore creative solutions for projects that can be implemented in a collaborative fashion. In the process, the Program helps build out “The Digital GC” — a vision of the Graduate Center that incorporates technology into its core research and teaching missions.



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