March 6, 2019 | Rukshana Jalil Talk: “A Stroll Through the Dark Web” Date: Tuesday, March 26 | 6:30PM Location: Room 3317 All are welcome; advance registration through Eventbrite is appreciated: Matt Goerzen will give a brief rundown of the history, applications, and aspirations of the “dark web” and its infrastructure. The talk will involve a cursory tour of the TOR network and consider a number of contemporary artworks and digital artifacts in its characterization of this fabled place. The talk will touch on artist interventions like Random Darknet Shopper by Mediengruppe Bitnik, radical (and often vaporware) social experiments, and artifacts from mailing list archives, and other communities. Matt Goerzen studies cultures of anonymity, and the technologies that enable them. His current project is to establish a cohesive framework for discussing media vulnerabilities by importing terms-of-craft from computer security research. He is a Researcher on the Media Manipulation project at Data & Society. ITP Skills Labs – March 2019 Location: GC Library Basement computer lab, C196.01 Register through Eventbrite: The How To’s of Grant Writing | Monday, March 11 | 6:30-8:30PM | Ashley Marinaccio This workshop is designed for students who have not had previous experience in writing grant proposals. In this workshop, we will discuss the research and project funding opportunities that are available at the CUNY Graduate Center. Attendees will learn how to talk about their research/projects on grant applications, write data based descriptions of the problem their work is trying to solve, define specific/measurable outcomes, build an evaluation plan, create a budget, and leave with a sample grant application that can be used on future applications. Conference and Event Planning | Wednesday, March 20 | 6:30-8:30PM | Kyueun Kim and Lisa Ng Ever wanted to know how to organize a conference or an event? This professional development workshop will focus on how to manage the various aspects of conference and event planning, including project development, organizing a team, facilitation training, fundraising, and communication and outreach. We will share inside knowledge, secrets, excitement, and challenges of conference and event management drawing on our experiences of organizing a student-run conference, TEDxCUNY, New York City Asian American Student Conference (NYCASC), and more. Strategies for Multimodal Pedagogy | Monday, March 25 | 6:30-8:30PM | Robert Robinson Join us for a conversation about using tools and approaches. Whether you’re an experienced or newer instructor, please come ready share and pick up ideas on employing multiple strategies in your courses. No prior experience with hybrid/online instruction needed. Multimodal & Game-based Pedagogy | Thursday, March 28 | 6:30-8:30PM | Kahdeidra Martin Participants will connect learning theories to student-centered praxis, explore several classroom examples, and take away resources to develop their own teaching materials. This skills lab is a hands-on lesson planning and supportive peer review workshop. Bring your ideas, big or small, and we’ll learn by doing…and doing…and doing again. Related This entry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.