November 7, 2018 | Rukshana Jalil Zotero on Your Laptop: The Basics Thursday, November 7, 2:30 PM Learn how to use this excellent, open-source citation management software. We’ll teach you how to install Zotero on your laptop; sign up for a Zotero account; add citations to your account; and create a bibliography. Fake Journals and Conferences: What to Know About the Faux Monday, November 12, 1:30 PM As a researcher, you are eager to publish your work in journals and present at conferences. But don’t let your eagerness allow you to be fooled by fake (often called “predatory”) journals or conferences. These low-quality outlets exist for the sole purpose of profit, not for the dissemination of peer-reviewed research. Indeed, they frequently lie about their peer review practices and engage in other forms of deceit. Come learn how to spot these bad actors, and how to critically evaluate any journal or conference before submitting a paper or proposal. Intro to Grant Research Thursday, November 13, 2:30 PM Join us for a hands-on demonstration about accessing grant resources. Our Grants Liaison librarian will provide a demo using the databases Pivot, GrantForward, Grant Advisor Plus, Foundation Center Directory, and Foundation Center Grants to Individuals Online, followed by a Q&A about the search process. Using HathiTrust for Textual Analysis Thursday, November 14, 11:00 AM The HathiTrust Research Center now provides full access to the all 16.7 million items in the HathiTrust corpus, including items protected by copyright, for data mining and computational analysis for all HathiTrust partner libraries. This workshop will help you get the most out of the Graduate Center Library’s affiliation with HathiTrust. Schooling Google Scholar: Optimizing Your Google Scholar Profile Thursday, November 14, 2:30 PM You’re probably familiar with using Google Scholar to search for scholarly literature. But did you know Google Scholar also includes researcher profiles, which researchers themselves can edit and enhance? Come learn how to claim your researcher profile, make your entries as correct and complete as possible, and interpret the citation metrics it provides. We’ll also show you how to enrich your profile with links to the full text of your scholarly works. (Spoiler: You can add items in CUNY Academic Works to your profile!) Related