Workshop: “Sound” Wednesday, October 11th, 2017 – 6:30-8:30pm

Does your research involve sound? Would you like to learn more about digital tools for capturing, editing and managing audio files, as well as qualitative coding and transcribing their content? This workshop will review some hardware, software, techniques and concepts that are useful to scholars working with sound – be it music, voices, soundscapes or otherwise.

This workshop will be hosted by GC Digital Fellow Kelsey Chatlosh.

Register HERE


Skill Share: “What DH Summer School or Training should I go to?”  Thursday, October 12th, 2017 – 12:00 – 1:30pm Room 7414 of the Digital Scholarship Lab

Are you interested in learning a technical skill or method to improve or enhance your research? Are you interested in applying for the Provost’s Digital Innovation Grant for travel and training? Come learn about your options in a casual discussion about the various options for training and travel in digital humanities and social sciences from fellow students. We can talk about how to plan your budget, about the types of classes available, travel arrangements and more. You don’t need to stay for the whole time. Feel free to just drop by. Skill Shares are free and open to everyone at the GC, and this Skill Share will be hosted by GC Digital Fellows Kelsey Chatlosh and Jojo Karlin.


Skill Share: “Pandoc”  Thursday, October 26th, 2017 – 12:00 – 1:30pm Room 7414 of the Digital Scholarship Lab 

Pandoc offers you an easy way to publish a document that is created in plain text into many different publication formats. If you’d like to free yourself from the shackles of Microsoft Word and enjoy the freedom that comes with free and open publishing solutions, join us to learn how. The format of the workshop will be informal. Novices are welcome. If you’re interested, there’s no need to sign up. You can just drop by. Skill Shares are free and open to everyone at the GC. This Skill Share will be hosted by GC Digital Fellow Tahir Butt.


Workshop: “Cleaning Data with OpenRefine” Thursday, October 26th, 2017 – 6:30-8:30pm

Data cleaning is an important step in any data-driven research project. Often data is harvested from diverse sources such as the web, databases, spreadsheets, text files, and countless other places. These sources can employ different encodings, formats, and follow different conventions all of which must be normalized before analysis can take place. Exactly what steps must be taken to clean a dataset depends on the data involved and the type of analysis being conducted. OpenRefine is a tool designed to make data cleaning easy. In this workshop we will learn how to use OpenRefine to clean a dataset as well as talk generally about the process of data cleaning.

This workshop will be hosted by GC Digital Fellows Jeremy March and Hannah Aizenman.

Register HERE


Don’t forget to apply for a Provost’s Digital Innovation Grant by October 20th if you are a PhD student!

Have a digital project you want to share with the CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative? Sign up for a Lightning Talk and present your work​ on November 14th from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. 



About the Workshops and the GC Digital Fellows Program: 

Part of GC Digital Initiatives and based in the GC Digital Scholarship Lab, the GC Digital Fellows Program operates as an in-house think-and-do tank for digital projects, connecting Fellows to digital initiatives throughout The Graduate Center. Digital Fellows utilize a team-based approach as they explore creative solutions for projects that can be implemented in a collaborative fashion. In the process, the Program helps build out “The Digital GC” — a vision of the Graduate Center that incorporates technology into its core research and teaching missions.

For more information, contact us here.


Matthew K. Gold, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of English & Digital Humanities 

Advisor to the Provost for Digital Initiatives, CUNY Graduate Center

Vice President/President-Elect, Association for Computers and the Humanities | @mkgold


Lisa M. Rhody, Ph.D. 

Deputy Director of Digital Initiatives

Director of Digital Fellowship Programs

Director of Research Initiatives, CUNY Academic Commons

The Graduate Center, CUNY

365 Fifth Avenue, Room 3300.07

New York, NY 10016

[email protected] | @lmrhody