There are several upcoming grant writing workshops for students in social science and science disciplines.
The first is this week (9/27) and is specifically for first year students:
NSF GRFP – This workshop will provide helpful tips on the application process and preparing a proposal to the National Science Foundation – Graduate Research Fellowship Program. This workshop is for incoming Graduate Center students and those who have just completed their first year of Graduate studies. It is open to students in all disciplines funded by NSF, which includes the social, behavioral, and economic sciences.
The other grant workshops will be offered twice this semester:
National Institute of Health: Individual Pre-doctoral Fellowship
This workshop will provide helpful tips on the application process and preparing a proposal to the National Institute of Health – NRSA Individual Fellowship Program (F-31). This workshop is open to Graduate Center students of all disciplines funded by NIH.
National Science Foundation – Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant Program
This workshop will provide helpful tips on writing a competitive application and the technical aspects of submission. It is open to students in all disciplines funded by NSF, which includes the social, behavioral, and economic sciences.