Letting Go While Staying Connected: An Interactive Talk for Parents

Part I –  May 12, 2017, Friday
Part II – May 19, 2017, Friday
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Room #7209

This FREE workshop will address: One of the most important and challenging aspects of parenting is the capacity to “let go” of one’s child while staying connected, in small and big moments across the developmental landscape.  Letting go, or separating, facilitates growth and development but often brings up complex feelings in both children and parents, which can complicate everyday events.  In this interactive talk, we will ground ourselves in “experience near” phenomena to more fully understand the challenges we may face as parents navigating separation with our children.  The aim of this talk is to heighten insight in order to produce positive shifts in managing these moments with our children.

This workshop led by Alice Mangan, Ph.D., M.S. and Nidhi Parashar, M.S.

Please note that no food or beverage will be allowed during this workshop.

To register stop by the Wellness Center Student Counseling Services in Room 6422 to fill out a workshop application. You may also click on workshop request (email and fax is acceptable).  For more information please call (212) 817-8731.  You must have your student ID with current validation sticker available to present.