July 25, 2017 | Rukshana Jalil The organizers of the 2017 Postgraduate Forum (PGF) of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA/GAAS) are delighted to announce the annual call for papers for this year’s conference to be held at the Department of English and American Studies, HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin, from November 9-11, 2017. The Postgraduate Forum (PGF) of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA/GAAS) is a platform for early researchers to present their current research and engage in critical conversation across disciplines. We encourage papers in the broader field of American Studies including, among other disciplines, literature, cultural studies, history, politics, sociology, and economics. The format of the PGF will be open to works in progress from applicants’ current post-graduate, doctoral, or postdoctoral projects. In addition to the regular conference panels, we will have a roundtable discussion with various chairs of American Studies from Berlin and an informational session on publishing in Germany and the United States. We invite young scholars of American Studies to submit an abstract of 200–300 words (for a 20-minute presentation) as well as a brief biographical sketch in one PDF file by September 17, 2017. Please send all proposals to: [email protected] Selected contributions will be published in the peer-reviewed online journal Current Objectives in Postgraduate American Studies (COPAS). Please visit our website regularly for further information on the conference, its venue, accommodation options, and more: https://pgf2017.wordpress.com/[pgf2017.wordpress.com]. We ask all presenting and non-presenting participants to register for the conference via our website by October 9, 2017. Your PGF 2017 Conference Team: Florian Gabriel, Helen Gibson, Anne Potjans, Simon Rienäcker, and Jiann-Chyng Tu Related