The New Media Lab accepts applications from all GC students on an ongoing basis. NML-affiliated students are eligible for awards supporting conference and research related travel (up to $300); topic of study, including visual culture, teaching, history, public health, data analysis and visualization, and social justice ($500); and digital dissertation components ($1000). Remote support is available. In person, the lab provides reserved work stations, each with a recent model Mac or PC, adjustable sitting-standing desk, and non-florescent lighting. Lab projects range widely and include both digital presentation of research—using websites, videos, maps, and more—and analysis with a variety of digital and digitally assisted tools. Lab meetings also provide an opportunity for constructive feedback from students, faculty, and staff from uniquely diverse range of disciplines.

To work at the lab, please submit a brief project description, work plan, and your CV at

Further information:
Join us at an NML general meeting. Each is from 12:30 to 2:00 on Zoom, on
Tuesday, March 1; Wednesday, March 30; and Thursday, April 28. Write Joe Kirchhof, NML student project advisor, at for a Zoom invitation or more information.

Award and stipend details are at
Current and previous project descriptions are available from