January 26, 2022 | Rukshana Jalil DEADLINE MARCH 1, 2022 ANNUAL BOOK AWARDS OF THE AMERICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION JOHN HOPE FRANKLIN PUBLICATION PRIZE The John Hope Franklin Publication Prize is distributed yearly and honors the most outstanding book published in American studies for the year preceding the annual meeting. Recipients of the award receive $1,000. The prize winner will be announced at the annual meeting of the American Studies Association. Eligibility Requirements and Application Procedures Who is eligible: Current ASA members who have published (copyrighted) their book between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. To be eligible, books must be written in English by a single author, though the book may be published outside of the U.S. First books are eligible for both the Franklin and the Romero prize and may be submitted in both competitions. Who can nominate: Authors can apply directly, or self-nominate. Publishers or presses may also submit books for consideration. While those who work for a press need not be active members, they must create an account online in order to submit a nomination.* How to submit a nomination: Step 1: Write a letter or statement for submission. Include: (1) the book’s full title, (2) the name of the press and the place of publication, (3) the official (copyright) publication date, and (4) the author’s ASA membership number and a statement confirming that the author’s membership is current for the 2022 calendar year. Late nominations will not be accepted. Step 2: Log onto the ASA website to submit the nomination. You will be asked to enter the nominee’s information (title, affiliation, address) before being prompted to upload a PDF of the letter or statement of submission with the required details outlined above. Nomination forms must be submitted no later than March 1. Step 3: Upload an electronic version to a specified drive. Because of limited campus access due to pandemic safety concerns, our committee members are requesting electronic copies to be uploaded to specified drive after nominations are closed. Nominators will be e-mailed after the March 1 deadline with further instructions. When is the deadline: March 1 *A special note for presses: If you’re submitting multiple books for consideration, you must process each nomination separately via the online submission form. Questions? Please e-mail [email protected]. Login assistance: Please contact journals publishing [email protected] and a customer service representative, on the other end of that address, can help you retrieve and reset your login information. LORA ROMERO FIRST BOOK PRIZE The Lora Romero First Book Prize is awarded every year to the best first book published in American studies that highlights intersectional dynamics in the study of race, gender, class, sexuality, and/or nation. Recipients of the award receive a lifetime membership in the association. The prize winner in announced at the annual meeting of the American Studies Association. Eligibility Requirements and Application Procedures Who is eligible: Current ASA members who have published (copyrighted) their first book between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. To be eligible, books must be written in English by a single author, though the book may be published outside of the U.S. First books are also eligible for the Franklin Prize and may be submitted in both competitions. Who can nominate: Authors can self-nominate. Publishers may also submit books for consideration. While publishers need not be active members, they must create an account online in order to submit a nomination.* How to submit a nomination: Step 1: Write a letter or statement for submission. Include: (1) the book’s full title, (2) the name of the press and the place of publication, (3) the official (copyright) publication date, and (4) the author’s ASA membership number and a statement confirming that the author’s membership is current for the 2022 calendar year. Step 2: Log onto the ASA website to submit the nomination. You will be asked to enter the nominee’s information (title, affiliation, address) before being prompted to upload a PDF of the letter or statement of submission with the required details outlined above. Nomination forms must be submitted no later than March 1. Step 3: Upload an electronic version to a specified drive. Because of limited campus access due to pandemic safety concerns, our committee members are requesting electronic copies to be uploaded to a specified drive after nominations are closed. Nominators will be e-mailed after the March 1 deadline with further instructions. When is the deadline: March 1 *A special note for presses: If you’re submitting multiple books for consideration, you must process each nomination separately via the online submission form. Questions? Please e-mail [email protected]. Login assistance: Please contact journals publishing [email protected] and a customer service representative, on the other end of that address, can help you retrieve and reset your login information. Related This entry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.