The 2021-2022 call for #USLDH GRANTS-IN-AID funded by

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

is now available. The deadline for applications is: January 29, 2021. See webpage for more details and FAQs:


The University of Houston US Latino Digital Humanities (USLDH) program is a digital scholarship/research undertaking to provide training and research on US Latino recovered materials. Proposals must draw from recovered primary and derivative sources produced by Latinas/os in what is now the United States, dating from the Colonial Period to 1980 (such as Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage collections, other repositories and/or the community).

The Grants-in-Aid program is designed to provide a stipend to scholars for research and development of digital scholarship in the form of a digital publication and/or a digital project. The grant covers any expense connected with research that will advance a project to the next stage or to a successful conclusion.

Scholars will have the opportunity to publish their digital scholarship on Arte Público Press’ inaugural APP Digital publication platform. (See examples of current grants-in-aids projects on our website, at:

Scholars at different stages of their careers (Academics, librarians, advanced graduate students, independent scholars, etc.) are encouraged to apply for a stipend of up to $7,500 for investigative work. Grantees are expected to plan for a week-long virtual training over the summer (dates to be announced). We welcome applications in one of the following areas:


  • Identification, location and recovery of any wide variety of historical documents and/or literary genres, including conventional literary prose and poetry, and such forms as letters, diaries, memoirs, testimonials, periodicals, historical records and written expressions of oral traditions, folklore and popular culture. Any documents that could prove relevant to the goals of the program will also be considered. The emphasis is on works by Mexican/Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Spanish, Central and South American and other Latina/o residents of what has become the United States, from the Colonial period to 1980.
  • We especially encourage projects highlighting US Latina voices.
  • Bibliographic compilations, indexing projects pertaining to any of the above. Compilation of reference works, e.g. bibliographic dictionaries, thematic datasets, linguistic corpus, etc.
  • Study of recovered primary source(s) for potential digital publication, including: text analysis, thematic dataset creation, visualization, metadata creation, etc.


To apply, please submit a letter of interest, project description (2-3 pages), proposed budget and CV as a single PDF document via email to [email protected] by Friday January 29, 2021. Two letters of recommendation should be sent directly to [email protected] by the recommenders. All documentation (including letters) are due on January 29, 2021.