June 17, 2020 | Rukshana Jalil Mina Rees Library Conversation Series: Summer 2020 Schedule Thursday June 18th, 1:00pm EST: Brian Mercado & Karen Zaino, GC Doctoral students, and participants in the 2020 Open Pedagogy Fellowship .They’ll talk about their experience developing OER for courses in Sociology and Urban Education, and the ethics of finding open resources in those fields. Sign up here for the Zoom link! Thursday, June 25th, 1:00pm EST: Micki Kaufman, in conversation with Stephen Klein, will talk about her project “Quantifying Kissinger.” Thursday, July 2nd, 1:00pm EST: Sarah Lamdan (CUNY Law) in conversation with Emily Drabinski about the complications of modern-day privacy issues, and how they relate to libraries. Thursday, July 16th, 4pm EST: Christopher Wilde, co-founder of the Queer Zine Archive Project (QZAP), in conversation with Kate Angell and Elvis Bakaitis (GC Reference Librarians, and co-founders of the NYC Feminist Zinefest). Thursday August 6th, 1:00pm EST: Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis in conversation with Mike Handis about of her forthcoming book, “Antiquity in Gotham: Ancient Architecture in New York” (Fordham University Press, 2021), and the reception of the classical world in the United States. More events to be posted soon! Related This entry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.