January 29, 2020 | Rukshana Jalil 1) Marcus Garvey Foundation Research Fellowship: GarveyFellowship2020 This fellowship looks to support doctoral candidates doing primary research in the Humanities and Social Sciences on topics related to Africa and/or any part of the global African diaspora (e.g. in the Americas, Europe, etc). Doctoral candidates using archival collections and/or conducting oral histories are especially encouraged to apply. Research fellows receive grants of $500 to help defray research expenses. 2) Jean Harvey Slappy Research Fellowship: SlappyFellowship2020 This fellowship — named in honor of long-time Marcus Garvey Foundation board member Jean Harvey Slappy — looks to support doctoral candidates working on aspects of the history of the U.N.I.A. (Universal Negro Improvement Association), the A.C.L. (African Communities League), and/or Marcus Garvey’s organizational activities, and who wish to use the Thomas W. Harvey/U.N.I.A. papers located at Emory University’s Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library (Finding Aid: http://bit.ly/18DC3Gl). Research fellows receive grants of $500 to help defray expenses associated with travel to and use of the archival collection. “The Thomas W. Harvey Collection contains groundbreaking material that broadens our understanding of the Black freedom struggle in America and beyond.” – Dr. Tshepo Masango Chéry, 2010 Jean Harvey Slappy Fellow APPLYING FOR THE FELLOWSHIPS: ***All applications & attachments must be received by February 14, 2020*** Decisions will be announced no later than April 15, 2020 While proposals are welcome on a wide variety of research topics (and in a wide variety of disciplines), proposals will be evaluated based on their relevance to key questions in the fields of African American, African, and African Diaspora Studies and on the basis of their potential for meaningful contributions to scholarship. Required application materials: * 2-page summary (single- or double-spaced) of the larger research project * 1-page description (single- or double-spaced) of the specific research to be carried out with the grant, along with a line-item budget (for up to $500.00) and research timeline * Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) (no page limit) * One recommendation from an advising professor All application materials (and recommendations sent directly from advising professors or from a dossier service) must be submitted as Microsoft Word or PDF attachments by midnight on the deadline of February 14, 2020 to: GarveyFoundation@gmail.com For more information, please contact us at: GarveyFoundation@gmail.com The Marcus Garvey Memorial Foundation, Inc., established in 1961 in New York City, is a non-profit educational organization. http://www.GarveyFoundation.com Related This entry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.