This fall, the Advocate invites everyone to start a conversation on Non-Democratic Futures in the wake of important elections held all over the world this year. For a while now, we have seen authoritarian leaderships rise to power through the popular vote in every continent. We also saw the rise of an Anti-Globalist discourses sewing together an alliance that connects these forces together as they claim to be fighting against elites and in the name of the common man. How have we come to this, and what can this politics of the New Right produce to our near futures?

We are interested in all types of analyses and perspectives on the topic. From historicity to futurology; from general trends to specific cases; from political institutions to social movements; and everything in between. We also welcome ways to conceptualize a new response on the part of the Left to these emerging challenges; new forms to re-build democracy, or even forays into how we can move beyond democracy in the future. Above all we are interested in sharing with our community at CUNY different ways to look at what the future promises us and what we can promise to the future.

We are looking forward to receiving contributions for the next issue by December 10th, if possible. We understand the end of semester can be though, so if you want to contribute to this topic but can`t make it through the deadline, we are still interested in your ideas, so send us anyway once you are done as we may at least publish it in our next issue. Also, if you have your own pressing topic you wish to share your ideas on, don`t hesitate to send us your contribution, as they may also make the cut in our general section.

Please do send your impressions, your thoughts, and your ideas to our new Editor-in-Chief, Rafael Munia, at [email protected]. Also ‘cc’ to [email protected].

And yes, we pay for articles!

The Advocate pays $100-$120 for articles that are around 1500-2000 words, and about $150-$200 for longer essays that entail more research and labor. Other contributions like reviews and photo essays will also be compensated for at competitive rates. And of course, we promise enthusiastic editorial support and love from our team!

We look forward to some excellent contributions from you!