October 2, 2018 | Rukshana Jalil As the semester gets under way, you might like help looking for a job or writing that paper. The Office of Career Planning and Professional Development can assist. Our office offers Career Advising Appointments and Graduate Writing Consultations. Each one-on-one meeting is confidential and lasts 45 minutes. At a Career Advising Appointment, you might Develop a career planning strategy Review your job documents Do a mock interview Take a career assessment Address concerns about all types of job searches, including the faculty job search At a Graduate Writing Consultation, you might Discuss Thesis/Dissertation Proposals or Chapters Graduate Coursework Professional Documents (conference, publication, or application materials, e.g.) Address “Big issues” (brainstorming, organization/structure, logic/“flow,” audience) Narrower concerns (grammar, style, word choice, punctuation, sentence flow, clarity) You can learn more, and schedule an appointment, by clicking here to talk to a Career Adviser or here to talk to a Writing Consultant. We look forward to seeing you soon! Related