July 26, 2018 | Rukshana Jalil FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: For more information, contact: Fernanda Douglas, [email protected] Activist Orchestra against America’s criminalization of immigrants Sanctuary: Season Finale[eventbrite.com] July 27, 7:00 PM Saint Peter’s Church 619 Lexington Avenue New York, NY – Activist orchestra The Dream Unfinished will present Sanctuary, a festival of music celebrating artists who identify as immigrants or first generation Americans. The festival will culminate in a season finale at Saint Peter’s Church, a member church of New York City’s New Sanctuary Coalition, and feature the music of George Walker[georgetwalker.com], Vijay Iyer[vijay-iyer.com], Tania Leon[tanialeon.com], Kareem Roustom[kr-music.com] and Huang Ruo[huangruo.com]. Special guests include Jennifer Koh[jenniferkoh.com] and Vijay Iyer, and speakers from NYC’s immigrant rights community. The event will be hosted by WQXR’s Terrance McKnight.[wqxr.org] The headline concert on July 27 is a co-production with new music ensemble Contemporaneous[contemporaneous.org], and features violinist Jennifer Koh and composer Vijay Iyer in The Diamond, a violin/piano duo recently commissioned by Koh, composed by Iyer. The concert will feature guest speakers from NYC’s immigrant rights community such as New Sanctuary Coalition’s[newsanctuarynyc.org] Ravi Ragbir[washingtonpost.com], Fahd Ahmed from DRUM (Desis Rising Up and Moving)[drumnyc.org], and members from The Haitian Roundtable[thehaitianroundtable.org]. The musical program, conducted by David Bloom[davidbloomconductor.com], will include New York premieres of works by Vijay Iyer, Kareem Roustom and George Walker, and performances of works by Tania León and Huang Ruo. Sanctuary is presented by The Dream Unfinished: An Activist Orchestra[thedreamunfinished.org], whose mission is to use classical music to engage audiences in dialogues surrounding social justice. Advance ticket sales start at $25 General Admission, and can be purchased at http://tdusanctuary.eventbrite.com. [tdusanctuary.eventbrite.com.] For complete event listings and other additional information, please visit thedreamunfinished.org[thedreamunfinished.org] or contact Fernanda Douglas at [email protected]. ### Related