April 6, 2018 | Rukshana Jalil Presented by the Ph.D. Program in Urban Education Provocative Inquiries in Urban Education (PIUE) Lecture Series, Spring 2018: Listening to Alumni Translanguaging as Critical Inquiry and Pedagogy Presenters: UEd alums: Dr. Carla España and Dr. Luz Herrera, and Cristian Solorza, UEd Doctoral Student Tuesday, April 10th, 6:30–8:30pm The Graduate Center, CUNY 365 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10016 Room 4202, Urban Education Lounge FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Talk Description: We are reimagining urban education, specifically the education of emergent bilinguals, by using translanguaging as a way to center students’ community language practices, and generally validating students’ identities, experiences, and ways of being through the use of culturally and linguistically sustaining pedagogical practices (C(L)SP). We are also reconceptualizing bilingual education and calling for a decolonization of bilingual education by employing a C(L)SP framework. Translanguaging pedagogy pushes us to reconceive schooling by validating our students’ entire linguistic repertoires. How does this disrupt schools, pedagogy and our role as educators? Related