The Teaching and Learning Center will host an open course planning workshop on Wednesday, August 23, from 2-6pm in Room 9206. Whether this is your first time teaching or you’re a seasoned veteran, whether you’ve got all your course materials prepared or you’ve just started pulling them together, you are welcome to discuss with TLC staff how you and your students can get the most out of your classes this semester. A TLC staff member will also be available to consult with attendees who want to launch WordPress sites for their courses, or are looking for assistance setting up other digital spaces for their courses.

During the first full week classes, August 28-September 1, TLC staff will also hold daily office hours to support GC students with course prep and reconfiguration, assignment design, or any other instructional matter. Drop by during any of the times below in room 3300.22, or email us at [email protected] to set-up another time to talk.

  • Monday, August 28th: 10am-12pm
  • Tuesday, August 29th: 1-3pm
  • Wednesday, August 30th: 1-3pm
  • Thursday: 1-3pm
  • Friday: 10am-12pm

No RSVP is required for either the workshop or office hours. We hope to see you!

The TLC will continue to hold daily office hours throughout the semester. We will announce the schedule for those as well as a preliminary workshop schedule in early September.