Hi all,

I am looking to sublet to rooms at my house. One of the rooms would be subletting until September 1st while the other one would be available for the whole year starting as soon as possible. This house is located at  1480 Pacific Street, 2 blocks away from the C subway, in Brooklyn.

Both rooms are  furnished and one of them has a private bathroom while the other is shared with two other people. The apartment is completely  new with kitchen, living room, dishwasher rooftop and washer and dryer. Cost is $1100/month for the one bedroom with private bathroom (sublet only until September) and $850/month for the other room. The prices are negotiable. Please email me if you are interested or if you know of anyone that may be interested.



Thank you


Camila Yattah

[email protected]

+1 (646)-866-4219 or +1 (917) 348-9766